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Ethical Hacking Adventures in Mobile

A workshop on ethical hacking in the mobile domain explored mobile security and vulnerability assessment through hands-on exercises and real-world case studies. Participants learned to identify and address security vulnerabilities in mobile platforms while adhering to ethical frameworks. Mentor Jashwanth Reddy Kankanala engaged with students, enhancing the learning experience with insights on cybersecurity. A mobile tracker web application was utilized to demonstrate potential security risks. By the workshop's end, participants gained the knowledge and skills to navigate mobile security confidently.

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Session on CTF

The online session aimed to introduce junior members to PicoCTF and the essentials of Capture The Flag (CTF). Starting with the significance of CTF in developing cybersecurity skills, the session progressed to an in-depth exploration of PicoCTF's user-friendly interface. Mentors guided participants through challenge categories like cryptography and web exploitation, offering practical demonstrations for a hands-on learning experience. The session concluded with an interactive Q&A, fostering engagement and paving the way for future sessions tailored to the cybersecurity club's needs.

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Webinar on Cyber Security Awareness

The event provided a comprehensive exploration of cybersecurity, emphasizing its crucial role today. It covered topics like ethical hacking, cyberattacks, and the roles of different hackers. Concepts of active and passive footprints, recognizing unsafe internet practices, and evaluating link safety were discussed with practical demonstrations. The session concluded with valuable information about EC COUNCIL and ANZ internship programs, offering insights into real-world applications of cybersecurity knowledge.

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Kali Linux installation and commands

On August 20th, our club organized an event titled 'Kali Linux Installation and Commands,' with mentor Jeshwanth Reddy leading the session. The event focused on guiding participants through the installation process of Kali Linux in a VirtualBox virtual machine and providing insights into crucial command-line codes for effective usage. Hosted by our club, the session aimed at bolstering practical cybersecurity skills among participants."